Peer Review

In Journal Nursing Care Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, the peer-review process is an integral part of the publication process to improve the quality of manuscripts published in our Journal. The reviewer's review provides an independent assessment of the importance and technical accuracy of the results described. However, feedback from the referrer is conveyed to the author with the editor's suggestions to produce a good manuscript so that the reader more easily understands it.

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal will undergo an initial review by our editorial board within 1-12 weeks to decide whether the manuscript is eligible for consideration or rejected. The assessment of the feasibility of the manuscript is based on the format of the manuscript, scope, novelty, and quality of the writing. All manuscripts that pass the initial screening will be reviewed by peer reviewers selected by our section editors according to their expertise in health administration studies with a double-blind peer review policy. Using a double-blind peer review policy, all authors' names will be withheld during the review process. The author will not identify the manuscript reviewer, and the reviewer can find out the author of the manuscript he is currently reviewing.

The review process will take at least 15-30 days to complete the first round. The review process may go through more than one review round if necessary. All revisions requested by reviewers and the editorial board will be sent to the authors and uploaded on time. The editor-in-chief will decide based on recommendations from the editor or section editor and reviewer. The duration of the manuscript acceptance process will depend on the time of the reviewer's response and the author's response. Further explanation of the editorial process can be seen in the previous section.