Green Betel Leaf Water with Pure Honey Against Healing Perineum's Wounds Mother Postpartum

Robin Dompas, Agnes Montolalu, Trifena Gabriely Koloay


Many postpartum mothers die from perineal injuries. Perineal infection can occur if the perineal wound is not treated correctly and correctly. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of healing wounds perineum postpartum mothers using green betel leaves and pure honey. This type of research is pre-experimental using one pretest group-posttest design. The number of 20 samples is determined by purposive sampling. Intervention is done using betel leaf decoction water to rinse perineal wounds for one week. Water is made from 5 sheets of betel leaves boiled with 1000 millilitres of water for 30 minutes to 600 millilitres. Data collection uses observation sheets filled in before and after the intervention. Analysis of data using the McNemar test obtained the result of the P-value 0.021 with the meaning <0.05. The results showed an effect of giving green betel leaf water and consuming pure honey to heal perineal wounds in postpartum mothers, so it is recommended that postpartum mothers suffering from perineal wounds use a decoction of green betel leaf water to rinse the perineum and consumption. Pure honey because of the benefits and content obtained in green betel leaves and pure honey in healing perineal wounds.


Perineal Wound; Green Betel Leaf; Pure Honey

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Anugrahwati, M., Purwaningsih, T., Rustina, Manggalarini, J. A., Alnavis, N. B., Wulandari, D. N., & Pranowo, H. D. (2016). Extraction of Ethanolic Extract of Red Betel Leaves and Its Cytotoxicity Test on HeLa Cells. Procedia Engineering, 148, 1402–1407.

Astuti, S. C. D. (2021). Sikap Ibu Hamil terhadap Inisiasi Menyusu Dini. Journal Midwifery Jurusan Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, 6(1), 27.

Burgess, A., Clark, S., Dongarwar, D., & Salihu, H. (2020). 5: Hospital maternal mortality rates are falling, overall maternal mortality still rises: Implications for forward movement. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 222(1), S5.

Dey, A. K., Sharma, M., & Meshram, M. R. (2016a). An Analysis of Leaf Chlorophyll Measurement Method Using Chlorophyll Meter and Image Processing Technique. Procedia Computer Science, 85(Cms), 286–292.

Dey, A. K., Sharma, M., & Meshram, M. R. (2016b). Image Processing Based Leaf Rot Disease, Detection of Betel Vine (Piper BetleL.). Procedia Computer Science, 85(Cms), 748–754.

Din’ni, S. K., & Meliati, L. (2021). Teknik Perawatan Tali Pusat terhadap Pelepasan Tali Pusat. Journal Midwifery Jurusan Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, 7(2), 54.

Fatimawali, Maulana, R. R., Windah, A. L. L., Wahongan, I. F., Tumilaar, S. G., Adam, A. A., Kepel, B. J., Bodhi, W., & Tallei, T. E. (2021). Data on the docking of phytoconstituents of betel plant and matcha green tea on SARS-CoV-2. Data in Brief, 36, 107049.

Handelzalts, J. E., Hairston, I. S., Levy, S., Orkaby, N., Krissi, H., & Peled, Y. (2022). COVID-19 related worry moderates the association between postpartum depression and mother-infant bonding: A longitudinal study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 149(February), 83–86.

Ibrahim, F. (2021). Penerapan Pijat Oksitosin dan Marmet untuk Meningkatkan Produksi ASI Ibu Nifas. Journal Midwifery Jurusan Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, 6(2), 73.

Kim, E. T., Lillie, M., Gallis, J., Hembling, J., McEwan, E., Opiyo, T., Acayo, P., & Baumgartner, J. N. (2021). Correlates of early stimulation activities among mothers of children under age two in Siaya County, Kenya: Maternal mental health and other maternal, child, and household factors. Social Science and Medicine, 287(May 2020), 114369.

Kuster, A., Lee, K. A., & Sligar, K. (2022). Quality Improvement Project to Increase Postpartum Clinic Visits for Publicly Insured Women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, March, 1–11.

Kusumanti, E., & Sugiharto, S. (2017). Effect of dietary supplementation of binahong leaf meal, betel nut meal or their combination on serum albumin and globulin, fecal endoparasites and bacterial counts in milk of Saanen goats suffering from subclinical mastitis. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 51(5), 415–419.

Lagashetty, A., Ganiger, S. K., & Shashidhar. (2019). Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial study of Ag–Au Bi-metallic nanocomposite by bioreduction using piper betle leaf extract. Heliyon, 5(12), e02794.

Rouse, C. E., Eckert, L. O., Muñoz, F. M., Stringer, J. S. A., Kochhar, S., Bartlett, L., Sanicas, M., Dudley, D. J., Harper, D. M., Bittaye, M., Meller, L., Jehan, F., Maltezou, H. C., Šubelj, M., Bardaji, A., Kachikis, A., Beigi, R., & Gravett, M. G. (2019). Postpartum endometritis and infection following incomplete or complete abortion: Case definition & guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of maternal immunization safety data. Vaccine, 37(52), 7585–7595.

Shimpuku, Y., Iida, M., Hirose, N., Tada, K., Tsuji, T., Kubota, A., Senba, Y., Nagamori, K., & Horiuchi, S. (2021). Prenatal education program decreases postpartum depression and increases maternal confidence: A longitudinal quasi-experimental study in urban Japan. Women and Birth, August.

Suriani, Sebayang, A., Mirsam, H., Pakki, S., Azrai, M., & Muis, A. (2021). Control of Fusarium verticillioides on corn with a combination of Bacillus subtilis TM3 formulation and botanical pesticides. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(12), 7000–7005.

Taukoorah, U., Lall, N., & Mahomoodally, F. (2016). Piper betle L. (betel quid) shows bacteriostatic, additive, and synergistic antimicrobial action when combined with conventional antibiotics. South African Journal of Botany, 105, 133–140.

Underwood, J. P., Clark, J. H., Cardoso, F. C., Chandler, P. T., & Drackley, J. K. (2022). Production, metabolism, and follicular dynamics in multiparous dairy cows fed diets providing different amounts of metabolizable protein prepartum and postpartum. Journal of Dairy Science, 2001.

Yang, J., & Florio, A. Di. (2021). W23. the Postpartum Psychosis International Consortium: Results From Genotype-Phenotype Analyses. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 51, e157–e158.

Yusriah, L., Sapuan, S. M., Zainudin, E. S., & Mariatti, M. (2012). Exploring the Potential of Betel Nut Husk Fiber as Reinforcement in Polymer Composites: Effect of Fiber Maturity. Procedia Chemistry, 4, 87–94.

Zaman, S., Nahar, Q., Mamun, A. al, Ahmed, R., & Bari, M. L. (2021). Use of non-chlorine sanitizer in eliminating bacterial and fungal pathogens from betel leaves - A field level study. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 6, 100198.

Zhang, K., Siziba, L. P., Suo, N. J., Rothenbacher, D., & Genuneit, J. (2022). Breastfeeding duration is positively associated with decreased smoking relapse in the postpartum period. Midwifery, 108, 103289.

Agustini, R. D., Wahyuni, S., Buheli, K. L., & Suherlin, I. (2021). Determinan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Journal Midwifery Jurusan Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, 7(1), 44.

Anugrahwati, M., Purwaningsih, T., Rustina, Manggalarini, J. A., Alnavis, N. B., Wulandari, D. N., & Pranowo, H. D. (2016). Extraction of Ethanolic Extract of Red Betel Leaves and Its Cytotoxicity Test on HeLa Cells. Procedia Engineering, 148, 1402–1407.

Astuti, S. C. D. (2021). Sikap Ibu Hamil terhadap Inisiasi Menyusu Dini. Journal Midwifery Jurusan Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, 6(1), 27.

Burgess, A., Clark, S., Dongarwar, D., & Salihu, H. (2020). 5: Hospital maternal mortality rates are falling, overall maternal mortality still rises: Implications for forward movement. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 222(1), S5.

Dey, A. K., Sharma, M., & Meshram, M. R. (2016a). An Analysis of Leaf Chlorophyll Measurement Method Using Chlorophyll Meter and Image Processing Technique. Procedia Computer Science, 85(Cms), 286–292.

Dey, A. K., Sharma, M., & Meshram, M. R. (2016b). Image Processing Based Leaf Rot Disease, Detection of Betel Vine (Piper BetleL.). Procedia Computer Science, 85(Cms), 748–754.

Din’ni, S. K., & Meliati, L. (2021). Teknik Perawatan Tali Pusat terhadap Pelepasan Tali Pusat. Journal Midwifery Jurusan Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, 7(2), 54.

Fatimawali, Maulana, R. R., Windah, A. L. L., Wahongan, I. F., Tumilaar, S. G., Adam, A. A., Kepel, B. J., Bodhi, W., & Tallei, T. E. (2021). Data on the docking of phytoconstituents of betel plant and matcha green tea on SARS-CoV-2. Data in Brief, 36, 107049.

Handelzalts, J. E., Hairston, I. S., Levy, S., Orkaby, N., Krissi, H., & Peled, Y. (2022). COVID-19 related worry moderates the association between postpartum depression and mother-infant bonding: A longitudinal study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 149(February), 83–86.

Ibrahim, F. (2021). Penerapan Pijat Oksitosin dan Marmet untuk Meningkatkan Produksi ASI Ibu Nifas. Journal Midwifery Jurusan Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, 6(2), 73.

Kim, E. T., Lillie, M., Gallis, J., Hembling, J., McEwan, E., Opiyo, T., Acayo, P., & Baumgartner, J. N. (2021). Correlates of early stimulation activities among mothers of children under age two in Siaya County, Kenya: Maternal mental health and other maternal, child, and household factors. Social Science and Medicine, 287(May 2020), 114369.

Kuster, A., Lee, K. A., & Sligar, K. (2022). Quality Improvement Project to Increase Postpartum Clinic Visits for Publicly Insured Women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, March, 1–11.

Kusumanti, E., & Sugiharto, S. (2017). Effect of dietary supplementation of binahong leaf meal, betel nut meal or their combination on serum albumin and globulin, fecal endoparasites and bacterial counts in milk of Saanen goats suffering from subclinical mastitis. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 51(5), 415–419.

Lagashetty, A., Ganiger, S. K., & Shashidhar. (2019). Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial study of Ag–Au Bi-metallic nanocomposite by bioreduction using piper betle leaf extract. Heliyon, 5(12), e02794.

Rouse, C. E., Eckert, L. O., Muñoz, F. M., Stringer, J. S. A., Kochhar, S., Bartlett, L., Sanicas, M., Dudley, D. J., Harper, D. M., Bittaye, M., Meller, L., Jehan, F., Maltezou, H. C., Šubelj, M., Bardaji, A., Kachikis, A., Beigi, R., & Gravett, M. G. (2019). Postpartum endometritis and infection following incomplete or complete abortion: Case definition & guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of maternal immunization safety data. Vaccine, 37(52), 7585–7595.

Shimpuku, Y., Iida, M., Hirose, N., Tada, K., Tsuji, T., Kubota, A., Senba, Y., Nagamori, K., & Horiuchi, S. (2021). Prenatal education program decreases postpartum depression and increases maternal confidence: A longitudinal quasi-experimental study in urban Japan. Women and Birth, August.

Suriani, Sebayang, A., Mirsam, H., Pakki, S., Azrai, M., & Muis, A. (2021). Control of Fusarium verticillioides on corn with a combination of Bacillus subtilis TM3 formulation and botanical pesticides. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(12), 7000–7005.

Taukoorah, U., Lall, N., & Mahomoodally, F. (2016). Piper betle L. (betel quid) shows bacteriostatic, additive, and synergistic antimicrobial action when combined with conventional antibiotics. South African Journal of Botany, 105, 133–140.

Underwood, J. P., Clark, J. H., Cardoso, F. C., Chandler, P. T., & Drackley, J. K. (2022). Production, metabolism, and follicular dynamics in multiparous dairy cows fed diets providing different amounts of metabolizable protein prepartum and postpartum. Journal of Dairy Science, 2001.

Yang, J., & Florio, A. Di. (2021). W23. the Postpartum Psychosis International Consortium: Results From Genotype-Phenotype Analyses. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 51, e157–e158.

Yusriah, L., Sapuan, S. M., Zainudin, E. S., & Mariatti, M. (2012). Exploring the Potential of Betel Nut Husk Fiber as Reinforcement in Polymer Composites: Effect of Fiber Maturity. Procedia Chemistry, 4, 87–94.

Zaman, S., Nahar, Q., Mamun, A. al, Ahmed, R., & Bari, M. L. (2021). Use of non-chlorine sanitizer in eliminating bacterial and fungal pathogens from betel leaves - A field level study. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 6, 100198.

Zhang, K., Siziba, L. P., Suo, N. J., Rothenbacher, D., & Genuneit, J. (2022). Breastfeeding duration is positively associated with decreased smoking relapse in the postpartum period. Midwifery, 108, 103289.

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